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Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It's a day after our escape and Wal-mart is under repairs. Me and Anda are out in the backyard searching for clues for the disappearances. We've checked under the leaves and the big rock now. No sign. Not trapped in the window, not on the woodwork or the fence, not up a tree or in a tree's bark, not in the treehouse, not in the toys. We've got one option left--digging. Get some water in the yella bucket, pour it on the dirt patch, scoop some mud up in the empty can, Activate DNA_scan.exe.
3 lumps of DNA found. Which piece would you like to analyze?
Scan 50
Scan 50 means analyze all of them at the same time.
These are all hair strands from channel 12.
Channel 12 is Anda's stuffed cat/purse that she named Lisa and is black and white. One hair was black, the other two were white.
Run chat.exe
Choose channel
Huh? My wristwatch is picking up a signal! And it's coming from channel 7!
Channel 7 is me. Hi, Lisa! Where are you? it looks like a prison cell!
Hi, Caleb. I'm in some kind of prison cell in a secret fortress somewhere in a random forest. An evil you and evil Anda captured me and took me here.
Dopplegangers? I should have knowed! It was probably them who disappeared you and the other pets and attacked Wal-mart!
Attacked Wal-mart?
They shot a massive cannonball through the wall, blocking all escape routes and trapping us in a big brick dome for a week!
I hope there's no more...why is it so dark right now?
OH...MY...GOSH! A massive meteor! Activate laser_charge.exe
Why did you charge your laser...and fire it now?
Big meteor! Heading for the house!
Uh-oh. I'd better log off now.
This does not look good.

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